Wednesday, September 5, 2007

In the Loom Room

Our weaving studio. In the textiles department space is a commodity. Look at all those looms!

My good friend Kimberly gets some help with her warp.
We spent most of the first day of weaving class warping up the floor looms. The "warp" are the fibres that run length-wise and remain under tension as you weave. (The "weft" is what you weave with, threads that cross over the warp) For me, warping up is the most tedious part of the process. I feel so relieved after finishing: now I can get down to weaving.

Here is the warp on my loom. It's a little boring, I know. There will be more pictures to come. We will be working on transparencies and inlay... stay tuned.


Sarah said...

Hi Jess,
It's so fun to see your loom room! Do you know the Swan's Island Blankets? We saw them at a craft fair in Maine a few summers ago and they made me fall in love with hand-woven items. I got the bear patch from your previous post at the Bizarre Bazaar in Boston from the Wonderland Q booth. Cute pouch!
Love, Sarah

arlee said...

Ah, that room still looks the same..i used to sit by the window so i could stare outside--as much as i respect the history and the artistry, i hated the class :}
If we all liked the same things, it would be a very boring world!