Thursday, February 21, 2008

Strange Little Dress

This little dress (13"x 5") was made for an assignment called "The Empty Dress" for my sculpture class. The idea was to create a non-functional garment or something "body-related". In the emptiness of the dress, a wearer is implied. I hope to excite the imagination of the viewer as she considers who might wear this strange little dress.
Speaking of strangeness... I think this might be a good time to introduce my new favorite quote. I recently picked up a book of short stories called The Birthday of the World, by science fiction writer, Ursula K. Le Guin. It has been sitting on our bookshelf for a couple of years– Andrew read a story from it for a class at Regent. I've read the last two stories and love them; I can't wait to read more. Anyway, here is the quote I found on the back of the book (it is from the introduction):

"To create difference– to establish strangeness–then to let the fiery arch of human emotion leap and close the gap: this acrobatics of the imagination fascinates and satisfies me as no other." –Ursula K. Le Guin


maryka said...

Jess! This would make for an amazing installation: strange artifacts from an unknown world. Create lots of tiny objects that would suggest something about the people that used them... strange things... This dress is amazing.

Jaimee McClellan said...

Ooooh, if I had a little girl with 6 arms, I'd snatch that dress right up!

arlee said...

That dress is SO intriguing--reminds me of a sci-fi story i read when really young--this would have been the girl's dress--love it.